Serving the ChurchIt is the mission of The Free Will Baptist Minister’s Program to serve the churches and ministers of the Convention of Original Free Will Baptists. It is our belief that the minister can best meet the spiritual requirements of a congregation if he is unencumbered by the burden of financial insecurity.
To this end, we provide administrative services, information resources, and educational opportunities that are designed to help the minister and the local church plan together a program of compensation and benefits designed to meet the minister’s present and future financial needs.
RetirementThe Minister’s Program sponsors a retirement program exclusively for Free Will Baptist ministers. This plan was designed from the ground up as a vehicle to help ministers achieve their retirement goals and dreams. The plan has no hidden charges or loads and every dime invested goes toward your retirement.
Minister's Widows FundThe Minister’s Widows Fund and the Surviving Minister’s Fund are voluntary programs designed to assist ministers and their spouses upon the death of their spouse. Few things in life are more devastating than the death of a spouse. Ministers have seen the effect this has on church and community members and they are called upon to stand by those who have suffered loss providing them counsel and comfort in their time of grief.
Original Free Will Baptists Churches